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The TSN Channeldeleter is a simple tool to check the activity of Channel on a TeamSpeak3 Server. Inactive Channel can be deleted automatically.

Download: Version 2.01-beta (2014-06-09)

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  • Scan Channel for activity
  • automatically deletion of inactive Channel
  • (Warning-)List for future deletions
  • set (Warning-)Icon for possible deletes
  • Languagesupport (at moment en, de and et)
  • secure-option for the deletion script
  • check automatically for updates and inform as TeamSpeak Textmessage


  • customizable time for deletion
  • customizable time for Warning-List/Icon
  • there is a possibility to except spacer
  • exception list for channel you don't want to delete automatically
  • switch for set Icon
  • choose language



  • PHP 5.2.1 or later
  • TeamSpeak 3 Server Query Account
  • SSH Access (for crontable) with linux or an Access to the tasks for Windows



Installation Windows:

1. Unzip the downloaded file "channeldeleter".

2. Upload the whole unzipped folder to a directory on your webspace and grant permissions to the webuser.

3. Fill out the "config.php".

4. Open the "install_database_mysql.php" in your Webbrowser to create a new database and the needed table(s).

After successfully creation delete the "install_database_mysql.php" file from your webserver.

5. Copy the icon "icon_301694691" to the installation path of your TeamSpeak 3 Server und "files/virtualserver_X/internal/icons/".

Example: C:/ts3server/files/virtualserver_1/internal/icons/icon_301694691

6. Download the crawl.vbs, edit the weburl to your crawl_data.php and then upload it to your windows server on a place of your wish.

7. Open the task sheduler and create a new task (windows help) with following option:

C:/Windows/System32/cscript.exe C:/path/to/your/folder/crawl.vbs

The Script is now ready to work!!!



Installation (for linux):

1. Unzip the downloaded file "channeldeleter".

2. Upload the whole folder to a directory on your webspace.

3. Fill out the "config.php".

4. Open the "install_database_mysql.php" in your Webbrowser to create a new database and the needed table(s).

After successfully creation delete the "install_database_mysql.php" file from your webserver.

5. Copy the icon "icon_301694691" to the installation path of your TeamSpeak 3 Server und "files/virtualserver_X/internal/icons/".

Example: /home/ts3server/files/virtualserver_1/internal/icons/icon_301694691

6. Create a cronjob for crawling usage of channel (crawl_data) and deleting inactive channel (delete_channel):

Login in to your server via ssh.

Enter the command "crontab -e" (perhaps you have to press "i" to be able to edit the text)

Paste the following lines in a new line (you have to edit the path):

*/5 * * * * php /path/to/your/websever/path/to/channeldeleter/crawl_data.php >/dev/null 2>&1

*/5 * * * * php /path/to/your/websever/path/to/channeldeleter/delete_channel.php >/dev/null 2>&1

If you want, you can edit the connection time.. Here it is every 5 Minutes.

Save and quit the crontable.

The Script is now ready to work!!!



How to use:


This file scans all channel on the choosen TS3 servers with the predefined time in your crontables. It writes all channel in the mysql database where are users online and give them a new timestamp.


This file deletes all channel, which were unused for the predefined time and are not excepted in your config.


With this file you are able to check, which channel would delete next, if there would be no usage the next time. It list all channel, which are longer unused as the warntime are given. You can give a link to this file to your User. Perhaps it could be interessting for them to prevent a deletion.





  • add option to delete all trash icons from the server with the crawl_data.php (needed if changing/increase warntime)
  • add function to get the username and password of delete_channel.php about the url to run as task/cron


  • rebuild the Channeldeleter to increase the performance of list_delete and delete_channel (bigger server will sense it)
  • change MySQL connection to faster MSQLI connection
  • update TS3 PHP Framwork to version 1.1.23
  • fixed bug nickname already in use; in the config are now a second string for login
  • fixed bug with some special channelnames, which produce a wrong deletion
  • added highlighting the channelname to seperate it from the channelpath in list_delete
  • added site generation time to feet of each site
  • added update check with information as textmessage to the TeamSpeak server to specified unique ID's
  • focus the field username on start the site delete_channel
  • change some text in lang.php
  • edit some other small stuff...


  • added multilanguage support
  • added channelicon function for delete warning
  • added authentification possiblilty for delete_channel.php
  • fixed minor bugs




  • known bug 1281: Database empty result set (when a channel get deletes in the same time the crawl_data runs)
  • add different warntimes (perhaps also deletiontime) for different kind of channel (temp, semi and perm)
  • refine the spacer check (TeamSpeak check not used for perfomance)



How to update:

You uses already an older version of the Channeldeleter. No Problem, you can simple update it to the new one.

1. Stop all cronjobs for the moment.

2. Replace the the files on the webspace (Step 2 of Installation).

3. Fill out the "config.php" (Step 3 of Installation) or merge the new lines of the config in your old one.

4. If you uses a version before 1.02-alpha, you have to put the trash icon to your TeamSpeak Installation (Step 5 of Installation).

5. Run the file "update_2.00.php" to change the database structure to the new one and delete it after from the webspace (needed, if you uses a version below 2.00).

6. Reactivate the cronjobs and its ready to work :)


You like this tool? Then donate us a little amount, that we can develop new features.