added to the Ranksystem now."; $lang['api'] = "API"; $lang['apikey'] = "API Key"; $lang['asc'] = "ascending"; $lang['botoff'] = "Bot is stopped."; $lang['boton'] = "Bot is running..."; $lang['brute'] = "Much incorrect logins detected on the webinterface. Blocked login for 300 seconds! Last access from IP %s."; $lang['brute1'] = "Incorrect login attempt on the webinterface detected. Failed access attempt from IP %s with username %s."; $lang['brute2'] = "Successful login attempt to the webinterface from IP %s."; $lang['changedbid'] = "User %s (unique Client-ID: %s) got a new TeamSpeak Client-database-ID (%s). Update the old Client-database-ID (%s) and reset collected times!"; $lang['chkfileperm'] = "Wrong file/folder permissions!
You need to correct the owner and access permissions of the named files/folders!

The owner of all files and folders of the Ranksystem installation folder must be the user of your webserver (e.g.: www-data).
On Linux systems you may do something like this (linux shell command):
%sAlso the access permission must be set, that the user of your webserver is able to read, write and execute files.
On Linux systems you may do something like this (linux shell command):
%sList of concerned files/folders:
%s"; $lang['chkphpcmd'] = "Wrong PHP command defined inside the file %s! PHP not found here!
Please insert a valid PHP command inside this file!

Definition out of %s:
Result of your command:%sYou can test your command before via console by adding the parameter '-v'.
Example: %sYou should get back the PHP version!"; $lang['chkphpmulti'] = "It seems to be, you are running multiple PHP versions on your system.

Your webserver (this site) is running with version: %s
The defined command in %s is running with version: %s

Please use the same PHP version for both!

You can define the version for the Ranksystem Bot inside the file %s. More information and examples you will find inside.
Current definition out of %s:
%sYou can also change the PHP version, your webserver is using. Please use the world wide web to get help for this.

We recommend to use always the latest PHP version!

If you can't adjust the PHP versions on your system environment, it works for your purposes, it's ok. However, the only supported way is one single PHP version for both!"; $lang['chkphpmulti2'] = "The path where you could find PHP on your website:%s"; $lang['clean'] = "Scanning for clients to delete..."; $lang['clean0001'] = "Deleted unnecessary avatar %s (erstwhile unique Client-ID: %s) successfully."; $lang['clean0002'] = "Error while deleting unnecessary avatar %s (unique Client-ID: %s)."; $lang['clean0003'] = "Check for cleaning database done. All unnecessary stuff was deleted."; $lang['clean0004'] = "Check for deleting users done. Nothing was changed, because function 'clean clients' is disabled (webinterface - other)."; $lang['cleanc'] = "clean clients"; $lang['cleancdesc'] = "With this function old clients gets deleted out of the Ranksystem.

To this end, the Ranksystem will be synchronized with the TeamSpeak database. Clients, which does not exist anymore on the TeamSpeak server, will be deleted out of the Ranksystem.

This function is only enabled when the 'Query-Slowmode' is deactivated!

For automatic adjustment of the TeamSpeak database the ClientCleaner can be used:
%s"; $lang['cleandel'] = "%s clients were deleted out of the Ranksystem database, because they were no longer existing in the TeamSpeak database."; $lang['cleanno'] = "There was nothing to delete..."; $lang['cleanp'] = "clean period"; $lang['cleanpdesc'] = "Set a time that has to elapse before the 'clean clients' runs next.

Set a time in seconds.

Recommended is once a day, because the client cleaning needs much time for bigger databases."; $lang['cleanrs'] = "Clients in the Ranksystem database: %s"; $lang['cleants'] = "Clients found in the TeamSpeak database: %s (of %s)"; $lang['day'] = "%s day"; $lang['days'] = "%s days"; $lang['dbconerr'] = "Failed to connect to database: "; $lang['desc'] = "descending"; $lang['descr'] = "Description"; $lang['duration'] = "Duration"; $lang['errcsrf'] = "CSRF Token is wrong or expired (= security-check failed)! Please reload this site and try it again. If you get this error repeated times, remove the session cookie from your browser and try it again!"; $lang['errgrpid'] = "Your changes were not stored to the database due errors occurred. Please fix the problems and save your changes after!"; $lang['errgrplist'] = "Error while getting servergrouplist: "; $lang['errlogin'] = "Username and/or password are incorrect! Try again..."; $lang['errlogin2'] = "Brute force protection: Try it again in %s seconds!"; $lang['errlogin3'] = "Brute force protection: To much mistakes. Banned for 300 Seconds!"; $lang['error'] = "Error "; $lang['errorts3'] = "TS3 Error: "; $lang['errperm'] = "Please check the write-out permission for the folder '%s'!"; $lang['errphp'] = "%1\$s is missed. Installation of %1\$s is required!"; $lang['errseltime'] = "Please enter an online time to add it!"; $lang['errselusr'] = "Please choose at least one user!"; $lang['errukwn'] = "An unknown error has occurred!"; $lang['factor'] = "Factor"; $lang['highest'] = "highest rank reached"; $lang['insec'] = "in Seconds"; $lang['install'] = "Installation"; $lang['instdb'] = "Install database"; $lang['instdbsuc'] = "Database %s successfully created."; $lang['insterr1'] = "ATTENTION: You are trying to install the Ranksystem, but there is already existing a database with the name \"%s\".
Due installation this database will be dropped!
Be sure you want this. If not, please choose an other database name."; $lang['insterr2'] = "%1\$s is needed but seems not to be installed. Install %1\$s and try it again!
Path to your PHP config file, if one is defined and loaded: %3\$s"; $lang['insterr3'] = "PHP %1\$s function is needed to be enabled but seems to be disabled. Please enable the PHP %1\$s function and try it again!
Path to your PHP config file, if one is defined and loaded: %3\$s"; $lang['insterr4'] = "Your PHP version (%s) is below 5.5.0. Update your PHP and try it again!"; $lang['isntwicfg'] = "Can't save the database configuration! Please assign full write-out permissions on 'other/dbconfig.php' (Linux: chmod 740; Windows: 'full access') and try again after."; $lang['isntwicfg2'] = "Configure Webinterface"; $lang['isntwichm'] = "Write-out permissions on folder \"%s\" are missing. Please assign full rights (Linux: chmod 740; Windows: 'full access') and try to start the Ranksystem again."; $lang['isntwiconf'] = "Open the %s to configure the Ranksystem!"; $lang['isntwidbhost'] = "DB host-address:"; $lang['isntwidbhostdesc'] = "The address of the server where the database is running.
(IP or DNS)

If the database server and the web server (= web space) are running on the same system, you should be able to use
"; $lang['isntwidbmsg'] = "Database error: "; $lang['isntwidbname'] = "DB name:"; $lang['isntwidbnamedesc'] = "Name of the database"; $lang['isntwidbpass'] = "DB password:"; $lang['isntwidbpassdesc'] = "Password to access the database"; $lang['isntwidbtype'] = "DB type:"; $lang['isntwidbtypedesc'] = "Type of the database the Ranksystem should be using.

The PDO Driver for PHP does need to be installed.
For more information and an actual list of requirements have a look to the installation page:
%s"; $lang['isntwidbusr'] = "DB user:"; $lang['isntwidbusrdesc'] = "User to access the database"; $lang['isntwidel'] = "Please delete the file 'install.php' from your web space."; $lang['isntwiusr'] = "User for the webinterface successfully created."; $lang['isntwiusr2'] = "Congratulations! You have finished the installation process."; $lang['isntwiusrcr'] = "Create Webinterface-User"; $lang['isntwiusrd'] = "Create login credentials to access the Ranksystem Webinterface."; $lang['isntwiusrdesc'] = "Enter a username and password to access the webinterface. With the webinterface you can configure the Ranksystem."; $lang['isntwiusrh'] = "Access - Webinterface"; $lang['listacsg'] = "current servergroup"; $lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-database-ID"; $lang['listexcept'] = "No, cause excepted"; $lang['listgrps'] = "current group since"; $lang['listnick'] = "Clientname"; $lang['listnxsg'] = "next servergroup"; $lang['listnxup'] = "next rank up"; $lang['listrank'] = "rank"; $lang['listseen'] = "last seen"; $lang['listsuma'] = "sum. active time"; $lang['listsumi'] = "sum. idle time"; $lang['listsumo'] = "sum. online time"; $lang['listuid'] = "unique Client-ID"; $lang['login'] = "Login"; $lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s"; $lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL][/URL]"; $lang['msg0003'] = "You are not eligible for this command!"; $lang['msg0004'] = "Client %s (%s) requests shutdown."; $lang['msg0005'] = "cya"; $lang['msg0006'] = "brb"; $lang['msg0007'] = "Client %s (%s) requests %s."; $lang['msg0008'] = "Update check done. If an update is available, it will run immediately."; $lang['msg0009'] = "Cleaning of the user-database was started."; $lang['msg0010'] = "Run command !log to get more information."; $lang['msg0011'] = "Cleaned group cache. Start loading groups and icons..."; $lang['noentry'] = "No entries found.."; $lang['pass'] = "Password"; $lang['pass2'] = "Change password"; $lang['pass3'] = "old password"; $lang['pass4'] = "new password"; $lang['pass5'] = "Forgot password?"; $lang['repeat'] = "repeat"; $lang['resettime'] = "Reset the online and idle time of user %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s) to zero, cause user got removed out of an exception (servergroup or client exception)."; $lang['sccupcount'] = "Active time of %s seconds for the unique Client-ID (%s) will be added in a few seconds (have a look to the Ranksystem log)."; $lang['sccupcount2'] = "Add an active time of %s seconds for the unique Client-ID (%s); requested about admin function."; $lang['setontime'] = "add time"; $lang['setontime2'] = "remove time"; $lang['setontimedesc'] = "Add online time to the previous selected clients. Each user will get this time additional to his old online time.

The entered online time will be considered for the rank up and should take effect immediately."; $lang['setontimedesc2'] = "Remove online time from the previous selected clients. Each user will get this value deducted from his old online time.

The entered online time will be considered for the rank up and should take effect immediately."; $lang['sgrpadd'] = "Grant servergroup %s (ID: %s) to user %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s)."; $lang['sgrprerr'] = "Affected user: %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s) and server group %s (ID: %s)."; $lang['sgrprm'] = "Removed servergroup %s (ID: %s) from user %s (unique Client-ID: %s; Client-database-ID %s)."; $lang['size_byte'] = "B"; $lang['size_eib'] = "EiB"; $lang['size_gib'] = "GiB"; $lang['size_kib'] = "KiB"; $lang['size_mib'] = "MiB"; $lang['size_pib'] = "PiB"; $lang['size_tib'] = "TiB"; $lang['size_yib'] = "YiB"; $lang['size_zib'] = "ZiB"; $lang['stag0001'] = "Assign Servergroups"; $lang['stag0001desc'] = "With the 'Assign Servergroups' function you allows your TeamSpeak user to manage their servergroups (as self-service) on the TeamSpeak server (e.g. game-, country-, gender-groups).

With activation this function, a new menu item will appear on the stats/ site. About that menu item, the user can manage their own servergroups.

You define, which groups should be available.
You can also set a number to limit of concurrent groups."; $lang['stag0002'] = "Allowed Groups"; $lang['stag0003'] = "Select the servergroups, which a user can assign to himself."; $lang['stag0004'] = "Limit concurrent groups"; $lang['stag0005'] = "Limit the number of servergroups, which are possible to set at the same time."; $lang['stag0006'] = "There are multiple unique IDs online with your IP address. Please %sclick here%s to verify first."; $lang['stag0007'] = "Please wait till your last changes take effect before you change already the next things..."; $lang['stag0008'] = "Group changes successfully saved. It can take a few seconds till it take effect on the ts3 server."; $lang['stag0009'] = "You cannot choose more than %s group(s) at the same time!"; $lang['stag0010'] = "Please choose at least one new group."; $lang['stag0011'] = "Limit of concurrent groups: "; $lang['stag0012'] = "set groups"; $lang['stag0013'] = "Add-on ON/OFF"; $lang['stag0014'] = "Turn the add-on on (enabled) or off (disabled).

Are the add-on disabled the section on the statistics-page will be hidden."; $lang['stag0015'] = "You couldn't be find on the TeamSpeak server. Please %sclick here%s to verify yourself."; $lang['stag0016'] = "verification needed!"; $lang['stag0017'] = "verificate here.."; $lang['stix0001'] = "Server statistics"; $lang['stix0002'] = "Total users"; $lang['stix0003'] = "View details"; $lang['stix0004'] = "Online time of all user / Total"; $lang['stix0005'] = "View top of all time"; $lang['stix0006'] = "View top of the month"; $lang['stix0007'] = "View top of the week"; $lang['stix0008'] = "Server usage"; $lang['stix0009'] = "In the last 7 days"; $lang['stix0010'] = "In the last 30 days"; $lang['stix0011'] = "In the last 24 hours"; $lang['stix0012'] = "select period"; $lang['stix0013'] = "Last day"; $lang['stix0014'] = "Last week"; $lang['stix0015'] = "Last month"; $lang['stix0016'] = "Active / inactive time (of all clients)"; $lang['stix0017'] = "Versions (of all clients)"; $lang['stix0018'] = "Nationalities (of all clients)"; $lang['stix0019'] = "Platforms (of all clients)"; $lang['stix0020'] = "Current statistics"; $lang['stix0023'] = "Server status"; $lang['stix0024'] = "Online"; $lang['stix0025'] = "Offline"; $lang['stix0026'] = "Clients (Online / Max)"; $lang['stix0027'] = "Amount of channels"; $lang['stix0028'] = "Average server ping"; $lang['stix0029'] = "Total bytes received"; $lang['stix0030'] = "Total bytes sent"; $lang['stix0031'] = "Server uptime"; $lang['stix0032'] = "before offline:"; $lang['stix0033'] = "00 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Mins, 00 Secs"; $lang['stix0034'] = "Average packet loss"; $lang['stix0035'] = "Overall statistics"; $lang['stix0036'] = "Server name"; $lang['stix0037'] = "Server address (Host Address : Port)"; $lang['stix0038'] = "Server password"; $lang['stix0039'] = "No (Server is public)"; $lang['stix0040'] = "Yes (Server Is private)"; $lang['stix0041'] = "Server ID"; $lang['stix0042'] = "Server platform"; $lang['stix0043'] = "Server version"; $lang['stix0044'] = "Server creation date (dd/mm/yyyy)"; $lang['stix0045'] = "Report to server list"; $lang['stix0046'] = "Activated"; $lang['stix0047'] = "Not activated"; $lang['stix0048'] = "not enough data yet..."; $lang['stix0049'] = "Online time of all user / month"; $lang['stix0050'] = "Online time of all user / week"; $lang['stix0051'] = "TeamSpeak has failed, so no creation date..."; $lang['stix0052'] = "others"; $lang['stix0053'] = "Active Time (in Days)"; $lang['stix0054'] = "Inactive Time (in Days)"; $lang['stix0055'] = "online last 24 hours"; $lang['stix0056'] = "online last %s days"; $lang['stix0059'] = "List of user"; $lang['stix0060'] = "User"; $lang['stix0061'] = "View all versions"; $lang['stix0062'] = "View all nations"; $lang['stix0063'] = "View all platforms"; $lang['stix0064'] = "Last 3 months"; $lang['stmy0001'] = "My statistics"; $lang['stmy0002'] = "Rank"; $lang['stmy0003'] = "Database ID:"; $lang['stmy0004'] = "Unique ID:"; $lang['stmy0005'] = "Total connections to the server:"; $lang['stmy0006'] = "Start date for statistics:"; $lang['stmy0007'] = "Total online time:"; $lang['stmy0008'] = "Online time last %s days:"; $lang['stmy0009'] = "Active time last %s days:"; $lang['stmy0010'] = "Achievements completed:"; $lang['stmy0011'] = "Time achievement progress"; $lang['stmy0012'] = "Time: Legendary"; $lang['stmy0013'] = "Because you have an online time of %s hours."; $lang['stmy0014'] = "Progress completed"; $lang['stmy0015'] = "Time: Gold"; $lang['stmy0016'] = "% Completed for Legendary"; $lang['stmy0017'] = "Time: Silver"; $lang['stmy0018'] = "% Completed for Gold"; $lang['stmy0019'] = "Time: Bronze"; $lang['stmy0020'] = "% Completed for Silver"; $lang['stmy0021'] = "Time: Unranked"; $lang['stmy0022'] = "% Completed for Bronze"; $lang['stmy0023'] = "Connection achievement progress"; $lang['stmy0024'] = "Connects: Legendary"; $lang['stmy0025'] = "Because you connected %s times to the server."; $lang['stmy0026'] = "Connects: Gold"; $lang['stmy0027'] = "Connects: Silver"; $lang['stmy0028'] = "Connects: Bronze"; $lang['stmy0029'] = "Connects: Unranked"; $lang['stmy0030'] = "Progress next servergroup"; $lang['stmy0031'] = "Total active time"; $lang['stna0001'] = "Nations"; $lang['stna0002'] = "statistics"; $lang['stna0003'] = "Code"; $lang['stna0004'] = "Count"; $lang['stna0005'] = "Versions"; $lang['stna0006'] = "Platforms"; $lang['stna0007'] = "Percentage"; $lang['stnv0001'] = "Server news"; $lang['stnv0002'] = "Close"; $lang['stnv0003'] = "Refresh client information"; $lang['stnv0004'] = "Only use this refresh, when your TS3 information got changed, such as your TS3 username"; $lang['stnv0005'] = "It only works, when you are connected to the TS3 server at the same time"; $lang['stnv0006'] = "Refresh"; $lang['stnv0016'] = "Not available"; $lang['stnv0017'] = "You are not connected to the TS3 Server, so it can't display any data for you."; $lang['stnv0018'] = "Please connect to the TS3 Server and then refresh your session by pressing the blue refresh button at the top-right corner."; $lang['stnv0019'] = "My statistics - Page content"; $lang['stnv0020'] = "This page contains an overall summary of your personal statistics and activity on the server."; $lang['stnv0021'] = "The information are collected since the beginning of the Ranksystem, they are not since the beginning of the TeamSpeak server."; $lang['stnv0022'] = "This page receives its values out of a database. So the values might be delayed a bit."; $lang['stnv0023'] = "The amount of online time for all user per week and per month will be only calculated every 15 minutes. All other values should be almost live (a maximum of a few seconds delay)."; $lang['stnv0024'] = "Ranksystem - Statistics"; $lang['stnv0025'] = "Limit entries"; $lang['stnv0026'] = "all"; $lang['stnv0027'] = "The information on this site could be outdated! It seems the Ranksystem is no more connected to the TeamSpeak."; $lang['stnv0028'] = "(You are not connected to the TS3!)"; $lang['stnv0029'] = "List Rankup"; $lang['stnv0030'] = "Ranksystem info"; $lang['stnv0031'] = "About the search field you can search for pattern in clientname, unique Client-ID and Client-database-ID."; $lang['stnv0032'] = "You can also use a view filter options (see below). Enter the filter also inside the search field."; $lang['stnv0033'] = "Combination of filter and search pattern are possible. Enter first the filter(s) followed without any sign your search pattern."; $lang['stnv0034'] = "Also it is possible to combine multiple filters. Enter this consecutively inside the search field."; $lang['stnv0035'] = "Example:
filter:nonexcepted:TeamSpeakUser"; $lang['stnv0036'] = "Show only clients, which are excepted (client, servergroup or channel exception)."; $lang['stnv0037'] = "Show only clients, which are not excepted."; $lang['stnv0038'] = "Show only clients, which are online."; $lang['stnv0039'] = "Show only clients, which are not online."; $lang['stnv0040'] = "Show only clients, which are in defined group. Represent the current rank/level.
Replace GROUPID with the wished servergroup ID."; $lang['stnv0041'] = "Show only clients, which are selected by lastseen.
Replace OPERATOR with '<' or '>' or '=' or '!='.
And replace TIME with a timestamp or date with format 'Y-m-d H-i' (example: 2016-06-18 20-25).
Full example: filter:lastseen:>:2016-06-18 20-25:"; $lang['stnv0042'] = "Show only clients, which are from defined country.
Replace TS3-COUNTRY-CODE with the wished country.
For list of codes google for ISO 3166-1 alpha-2"; $lang['stnv0043'] = "connect TS3"; $lang['stri0001'] = "Ranksystem information"; $lang['stri0002'] = "What is the Ranksystem?"; $lang['stri0003'] = "A TS3 bot, which automatically grant ranks (servergroups) to user on a TeamSpeak 3 Server for online time or online activity. It also gathers information and statistics about the user and displays the result on this site."; $lang['stri0004'] = "Who created the Ranksystem?"; $lang['stri0005'] = "When the Ranksystem was Created?"; $lang['stri0006'] = "First alpha release: 05/10/2014."; $lang['stri0007'] = "First beta release: 01/02/2015."; $lang['stri0008'] = "You can see the latest version on the Ranksystem Website."; $lang['stri0009'] = "How was the Ranksystem created?"; $lang['stri0010'] = "The Ranksystem is developed in"; $lang['stri0011'] = "It also uses the following libraries:"; $lang['stri0012'] = "Special Thanks To:"; $lang['stri0013'] = "%s for russian translation"; $lang['stri0014'] = "%s for initialisation the bootstrap design"; $lang['stri0015'] = "%s for italian translation"; $lang['stri0016'] = "%s for initialisation arabic translation"; $lang['stri0017'] = "%s for initialisation romanian translation"; $lang['stri0018'] = "%s for initialisation dutch translation"; $lang['stri0019'] = "%s for french translation"; $lang['stri0020'] = "%s for portuguese translation"; $lang['stri0021'] = "%s for the great support on GitHub & our public server, sharing his ideas, pre-testing all that shit & much more"; $lang['stri0022'] = "%s for sharing their ideas & pre-testing"; $lang['stri0023'] = "Stable since: 18/04/2016."; $lang['stri0024'] = "%s for czech translation"; $lang['stri0025'] = "%s for polish translation"; $lang['stri0026'] = "%s for spanish translation"; $lang['stri0027'] = "%s for initialisation hungarian translation"; $lang['stri0028'] = "%s for azerbaijan translation"; $lang['stta0001'] = "Of all time"; $lang['sttm0001'] = "Of the month"; $lang['sttw0001'] = "Top users"; $lang['sttw0002'] = "Of the week"; $lang['sttw0003'] = "With %s %s online time"; $lang['sttw0004'] = "Top 10 compared"; $lang['sttw0005'] = "Hours (Defines 100 %)"; $lang['sttw0006'] = "%s hours (%s%)"; $lang['sttw0007'] = "Top 10 Statistics"; $lang['sttw0008'] = "Top 10 vs others in online time"; $lang['sttw0009'] = "Top 10 vs others in active time"; $lang['sttw0010'] = "Top 10 vs others in inactive time"; $lang['sttw0011'] = "Top 10 (in hours)"; $lang['sttw0012'] = "Other %s users (in hours)"; $lang['sttw0013'] = "With %s %s active time"; $lang['sttw0014'] = "hours"; $lang['sttw0015'] = "minutes"; $lang['stve0001'] = "\nHello %s,\nto verify you with the Ranksystem click on the link below:\n[B]%s[/B]\n\nIf the link doesn't work, you can also enter the token manually on the website:\n[B]%s[/B]\n\nIf you didn't request this message, please ignore it. When you are getting it repeated times, please contact an admin."; $lang['stve0002'] = "A message with the token was sent to you on the TS3 server."; $lang['stve0003'] = "Please enter the token, which you received on the TS3 server. If you have not received a message, please be sure you have chosen the correct unique Client-ID."; $lang['stve0004'] = "The entered token does not match! Please try it again."; $lang['stve0005'] = "Congratulations, you are successfully verified! You can now go on.."; $lang['stve0006'] = "An unknown error happened. Please try it again. On repeated times contact an admin"; $lang['stve0007'] = "Verify on TeamSpeak"; $lang['stve0008'] = "Choose here your unique Client-ID on the TS3 server to verify yourself."; $lang['stve0009'] = " -- select yourself -- "; $lang['stve0010'] = "You will receive a token on the TS3 server, which you have to enter here:"; $lang['stve0011'] = "Token:"; $lang['stve0012'] = "verify"; $lang['time_day'] = "Day(s)"; $lang['time_hour'] = "Hour(s)"; $lang['time_min'] = "Min(s)"; $lang['time_ms'] = "ms"; $lang['time_sec'] = "Sec(s)"; $lang['unknown'] = "unknown"; $lang['upgrp0001'] = "There is a servergroup with ID %s configured inside your '%s' parameter (webinterface -> rank), but that servergroup ID isn't existent on your TS3 server (anymore)! Please correct this or errors might happen!"; $lang['upgrp0002'] = "Download new ServerIcon"; $lang['upgrp0003'] = "Error while writing out the ServerIcon."; $lang['upgrp0004'] = "Error while downloading TS3 ServerIcon from TS3 server: "; $lang['upgrp0005'] = "Error while deleting the ServerIcon."; $lang['upgrp0006'] = "Noticed the ServerIcon got removed from TS3 server, now it was also removed from the Ranksystem."; $lang['upgrp0007'] = "Error while writing out the servergroup icon from group %s with ID %s."; $lang['upgrp0008'] = "Error while downloading servergroup icon from group %s with ID %s: "; $lang['upgrp0009'] = "Error while deleting the servergroup icon from group %s with ID %s."; $lang['upgrp0010'] = "Noticed icon of servergroup %s with ID %s got removed from TS3 server, now it was also removed from the Ranksystem."; $lang['upgrp0011'] = "Download new ServerGroupIcon for group %s with ID: %s"; $lang['upinf'] = "A new Version of the Ranksystem is available; Inform clients on server..."; $lang['upinf2'] = "The Ranksystem was recently (%s) updated. Check out the %sChangelog%s for more information about the changes."; $lang['upmsg'] = "\nHey, a new version of the [B]Ranksystem[/B] is available!\n\ncurrent version: %s\n[B]new version: %s[/B]\n\nPlease check out our site for more information [URL]%s[/URL].\n\nStarting the update process in background. [B]Please check the Ranksystem.log![/B]"; $lang['upmsg2'] = "\nHey, the [B]Ranksystem[/B] has been updated.\n\n[B]new version: %s[/B]\n\nPlease check out our site for more information [URL]%s[/URL]."; $lang['upusrerr'] = "The unique Client-ID %s couldn't be reached on the TeamSpeak!"; $lang['upusrinf'] = "User %s was successfully informed."; $lang['user'] = "Username"; $lang['verify0001'] = "Please be sure, you are really connected to the TS3 server!"; $lang['verify0002'] = "Enter, if not already done, the Ranksystem %sverification-channel%s!"; $lang['verify0003'] = "If you are really connected to the TS3 server, please contact an admin there.
This needs to create a verification channel on the TeamSpeak server. After this, the created channel needs to be defined to the Ranksystem, which only an admin can do.
More information the admin will find inside the webinterface (-> stats page) of the Ranksystem.

Without this activity, it is not possible to verify you for the Ranksystem at this moment! Sorry :("; $lang['verify0004'] = "No user inside the verification channel found..."; $lang['wi'] = "Webinterface"; $lang['wiaction'] = "action"; $lang['wiadmhide'] = "hide excepted clients"; $lang['wiadmhidedesc'] = "To hide excepted user in the following selection"; $lang['wiadmuuid'] = "Bot-Admin"; $lang['wiadmuuiddesc'] = "Choose the user, which are the administrator(s) of the Ranksystem.
Also, multiple selections are possible.

Here listed users are the user of your TeamSpeak server. Be sure, you are online there. When you are offline, go online, restart the Ranksystem Bot and reload this site.

The administrator of the Ranksystem Bot have the privileges:

- to reset the password for the webinterface.
(Note: Without definition of an administrator, it is not possible to reset the password!)

- using Bot commands with Bot-Admin privileges
(A list of commands you'll find %shere%s.)"; $lang['wiapidesc'] = "With the API it is possible to transfer data (which were collected by the Ranksytem) to third party applications.

To be able to receive information, you need to authenticate yourself with an API key. This keys, you can manage here.

The API is reachable under:

The API will generate its output as JSON string. Since the API is documentated by itself, you need only to open the link above and follow the instructions."; $lang['wiboost'] = "Boost"; $lang['wiboost2desc'] = "You can define boost groups, for example to reward users. With that they will collect time faster (boosted) and therefore reach the next rank faster.

Steps to do:

1) Create a servergroup on your server, which should be used for the boost.

2) Define the boost defintion on this site.

Servergroup: Choose the servergroup that should triggers the boost.

Boost Factor: The factor to boost the online/active time of the user, which owned that group (example 2 times). As factor are also decimal numbers possible (example 1.5). Decimal places must be separated by a dot!

Duration in Seconds: Define how long the boost should be active. Is the time expired, the booster servergroup gets automatically removed from the concerned user. The time starts running as soon as the user gets the servergroup. It doesn't matter the user is online or not, the duration is running out.

3) Give one or more user on the TS server the defined servergroup to boost them."; $lang['wiboostdesc'] = "Give a user on your TeamSpeak server a servergroup (have to be created manually), which you can declare here as boost group. Also define a factor which should be used (2x for example) and a time, how long the boost should be rated.
The higher the factor, the faster a user reaches the next higher rank.
Is the time expired, the booster servergroup gets automatically removed from the concerned user. The time starts running as soon as the user gets the servergroup.

As factor are also decimal numbers possible. Decimal places must be separated by a dot!

servergroup ID => factor => time (in seconds)

Each entry has to separate from the next with a comma.

Here a user in servergroup 12 get the factor 2 for the next 6000 seconds, a user in servergroup 13 get the factor 1.25 for 2500 seconds, and so on..."; $lang['wiboostempty'] = "Empty boost definition. Click on the plus symbol to define one!"; $lang['wibot1'] = "Ranksystem bot should be stopped. Check the log below for more information!"; $lang['wibot2'] = "Ranksystem bot should be started. Check the log below for more information!"; $lang['wibot3'] = "Ranksystem bot should be restarted. Check the log below for more information!"; $lang['wibot4'] = "Start / Stop Ranksystem bot"; $lang['wibot5'] = "Start bot"; $lang['wibot6'] = "Stop bot"; $lang['wibot7'] = "Restart bot"; $lang['wibot8'] = "Ranksystem log (excerpt):"; $lang['wibot9'] = "Fill out all mandatory fields before starting the Ranksystem bot!"; $lang['wichdbid'] = "Client-database-ID reset"; $lang['wichdbiddesc'] = "Activate this function to reset the online time of a user, if his TeamSpeak Client-database-ID has been changed.
The user will be matched by his unique Client-ID.

If this function is disabled, the counting of the online (or active) time will go on by the old value, with the new Client-database-ID. In this case only the Client-database-ID of the user will be replaced.

How the Client-database-ID changes?

In every of the following cases the client gets a new Client-database-ID with the next connect to the TS3 server.

1) automatically by the TS3 server
The TeamSpeak server has a function to delete user after X days out of the database. By default this happens when a user is offline for 30 days and is in no permanent servergroup.
This option you can change inside your ts3server.ini:

2) restoring TS3 snapshot
When you are restoring a TS3 server snapshot, the database-IDs will be changed.

3) manually removing Client
A TeamSpeak client could also be removed manually or by a third-party script out of the TS3 server."; $lang['wichpw1'] = "The old password is wrong. Please try again"; $lang['wichpw2'] = "The new passwords mismatch. Please try again."; $lang['wichpw3'] = "The password of the webinterface has been successfully changed. Requested from IP %s."; $lang['wichpw4'] = "Change Password"; $lang['wiconferr'] = "There is an error in the configuration of the Ranksystem. Please go to the webinterface and correct the rank settings!"; $lang['widaform'] = "Date format"; $lang['widaformdesc'] = "Choose the showing date format.

%a days, %h hours, %i mins, %s secs"; $lang['widbcfgerr'] = "Error while saving the database configurations! Connection failed or write-out error for 'other/dbconfig.php'"; $lang['widbcfgsuc'] = "Database configurations saved successfully."; $lang['widbg'] = "Log-Level"; $lang['widbgdesc'] = "Set up the Log-Level of the Ranksystem. With this you can decide, how much information should be written to the file \"ranksystem.log\"

The higher the Log-Level, the more information you'll get.

Changing the Log-Level will take effect with the next restart of the Ranksystem bot.

Please don't let the Ranksystem running longer on \"6 - DEBUG\" this could impair your filesystem!"; $lang['widelcldgrp'] = "renew groups"; $lang['widelcldgrpdesc'] = "The Ranksystem remember the given servergroups, so it don't need to give/check this with every run of the worker.php again.

With this function you can remove once time the knowledge of given servergroups. In effect the Ranksystem try to give all clients (which are on the TS3 server online) the servergroup of the current rank.
For each client, which gets the group or stay in group, the Ranksystem remember this like described at beginning.

This function can be helpful, when users are not in the servergroup that is intended for the respective online time.

Attention: Run this in a moment, where the next few minutes no rankups become due!!! The Ranksystem cannot remove the old group, cause it no longer knows them ;-)"; $lang['widelsg'] = "remove out of servergroups"; $lang['widelsgdesc'] = "Choose if the clients should also be removed out of the last known servergroup, when you delete clients out of the Ranksystem database.

It will only considered servergroups, which concerned the Ranksystem"; $lang['wiexcept'] = "Exceptions"; $lang['wiexcid'] = "channel exception"; $lang['wiexciddesc'] = "A comma separated list of the channel-IDs that are not to participate in the Ranksystem.

Stay users in one of the listed channels, the time there will be completely ignored. There is neither the online time, yet the idle time counted.

This function makes only sense with the mode 'online time', cause here could be ignored AFK channels for example.
With the mode 'active time', this function is useless because as would be deducted the idle time in AFK rooms and thus not counted anyway.

If a user is in an excluded channel, it will be evaluated for this period as 'excluded from the Ranksystem'. These users will no longer appears in the list 'stats/list_rankup.php' unless excluded clients should not be displayed there (Stats Page - excepted client)."; $lang['wiexgrp'] = "servergroup exception"; $lang['wiexgrpdesc'] = "A comma separated list of servergroup-IDs, which should not conside for the Ranksystem.
User in at least one of this servergroups IDs will be ignored for the rank up."; $lang['wiexres'] = "exception mode"; $lang['wiexres1'] = "count time (default)"; $lang['wiexres2'] = "break time"; $lang['wiexres3'] = "reset time"; $lang['wiexresdesc'] = "There are three modes, how to handle an exception. In every case the rank up is disabled (no assigning of servergroups). You can choose different options how the spended time from a user (which is excepted) should be handled.

1) count time (default): By default the Ranksystem also count the online/active time of users, which are excepted (by client/servergroup exception). With an exception only the rank up is disabled. That means if a user is not any more excepted, he would be assigned to the group depending his collected time (e.g. level 3).

2) break time: On this option the spend online and idle time will be frozen (break) to the current value (before the user got excepted). After the exception reason has been removed (after removing the excepted servergroup or remove the expection rule), the 'counting' of online/active time continues to run.

3) reset time: With this function the counted online and idle time will be resetting to zero at the moment the user are not any more excepted (due removing the excepted servergroup or remove the exception rule). The spent time due exception will be still counting till it got reset.

The channel exception doesn't matter in any case, cause the time will always be ignored (like the mode break time)."; $lang['wiexuid'] = "client exception"; $lang['wiexuiddesc'] = "A comma separated list of unique Client-IDs, which should not consider for the Ranksystem.
The user in this list will be ignored for the rank up."; $lang['wigrpimp'] = "Import Mode"; $lang['wigrpt1'] = "Time in Seconds"; $lang['wigrpt2'] = "Servergroup"; $lang['wigrptime'] = "rank up definition"; $lang['wigrptime2desc'] = "Define a time after which a user should get automatically a predefined servergroup.

time in seconds => servergroup ID

Max. value is 999.999.999 seconds (over 31 years).

The entered seconds will be rated as 'online time' or 'active time', depending on the setting of the 'time mode' you have chosen.

The time in seconds needs to be entered cumulative!


100 seconds, 100 seconds, 50 seconds

100 seconds, 200 seconds, 250 seconds
"; $lang['wigrptimedesc'] = "Define here, after which time a user should get automatically a predefined servergroup.

time (seconds)=>servergroup ID

Max. value is 999.999.999 seconds (over 31 years).

The entered seconds will be rated as 'online time' or 'active time', depending on the setting of the 'time mode' you have chosen.

Each entry has to separate from next with a comma.

The time must be entered cumulative

On this example a user receives servergroup 9 after 60 seconds, servergroup 10 after another 60 seconds, servergroup 11 after another 60 seconds."; $lang['wigrptk'] = "cumulative"; $lang['wihladm'] = "List Rankup (Admin-Mode)"; $lang['wihladm0'] = "Description of function (click)"; $lang['wihladm0desc'] = "Choose one or more reset options and press \"start reset\" to start it.
Each option is described by itself.

After starting the reset job(s), you can view the status on this site.

The reset task will be done about the Ranksystem Bot as a job.
It is necessary the Ranksystem Bot is running.
Do NOT stop or restart the Bot during the reset is in progress!

For the time of running the reset, the Ranksystem will pause all other things. After completing the reset the Bot will automatically go on with the normal work.
Again, do NOT stop or restart the Bot!

When all jobs are done, you need to confirm them. This will reset the status of the jobs. That makes it possible to start a new reset.

In case of a reset you might also want to withdraw servergroups from the users. It is important not to change the 'rank up definition', before you have done this reset. After reset you can change the 'rank up definition', sure!
The withdrawing of servergroups could take a while. An active 'Query-Slowmode' will further increase the required duration. We recommend a disabled 'Query-Slowmode'!

Be aware, there is no way of return!"; $lang['wihladm1'] = "Add time"; $lang['wihladm2'] = "Remove time"; $lang['wihladm3'] = "Reset Ranksystem"; $lang['wihladm31'] = "reset all user stats"; $lang['wihladm311'] = "zero time"; $lang['wihladm312'] = "delete users"; $lang['wihladm31desc'] = "Choose one of the both options to reset the statistics of all users.

zero time: Resets the time (online time & idle time) of all users to a value of 0.

delete users: With this option, all users will be deleted out of the Ranksystem database. The TeamSpeak database will not be touched!

Both options affect the following things..

.. on zero time:
Reset Server statistics summary (table: stats_server)
Reset My statistics (table: stats_user)
Reset List Rankup / user statistics (table: user)
Cleans Top users / user statistic snapshots (table: user_snapshot)

.. on delete users:
Cleans donut chart nations (table: stats_nations)
Cleans donut chart platforms (table: stats_platforms)
Cleans donut chart versions (table: stats_versions)
Reset Server statistics summary (table: stats_server)
Cleans My statistics (table: stats_user)
Cleans List Rankup / user statistics (table: user)
Cleans user ip-hash values (table: user_iphash)
Cleans Top users / user statistic snapshots (table: user_snapshot)"; $lang['wihladm32'] = "withdraw servergroups"; $lang['wihladm32desc'] = "Activate this function to withdraw the servergroups from all TeamSpeak users.

The Ranksystem scans each group, which is defined inside the 'rank up definition'. It will remove all user, which are known by the Ranksystem, out of this groups.

That's why it is important not to change the 'rank up definition', before you have done the reset. After reset you can change the 'rank up definition', sure!

The withdrawing of servergroups could take a while. An active 'Query-Slowmode' will further increase the required duration. We recommend a disabled 'Query-Slowmode'!

The servergroup itself on the TeamSpeak server will not be removed / touched."; $lang['wihladm33'] = "remove webspace cache"; $lang['wihladm33desc'] = "Activate this function to remove the cached avatars and servergroup icons, which are saved on the web space.

Affected directories:
- avatars
- tsicons

After finishing the reset job, the avatars and icons are automatically downloaded again."; $lang['wihladm34'] = "clean \"Server usage\" graph"; $lang['wihladm34desc'] = "Activate this function to empty the server usage graph on the stats site."; $lang['wihladm35'] = "start reset"; $lang['wihladm36'] = "stop Bot afterwards"; $lang['wihladm36desc'] = "Is this option activated, the Bot will stop after all reset things are done.

This stop is exactly working like the normal 'stop' parameter. Means, the Bot will not start with the 'check' parameter.

To start the Ranksystem Bot use the 'start' or 'restart' parameter."; $lang['wihladmrs'] = "Job Status"; $lang['wihladmrs0'] = "disabled"; $lang['wihladmrs1'] = "created"; $lang['wihladmrs10'] = "Job(s) successfully confirmed!"; $lang['wihladmrs11'] = "Estimated time to reset the system"; $lang['wihladmrs12'] = "Are you sure, you still want to reset the system?"; $lang['wihladmrs13'] = "Yes, start reset"; $lang['wihladmrs14'] = "No, cancel reset"; $lang['wihladmrs15'] = "Please choose at least one option!"; $lang['wihladmrs16'] = "enabled"; $lang['wihladmrs2'] = "in progress.."; $lang['wihladmrs3'] = "faulted (ended with errors!)"; $lang['wihladmrs4'] = "finished"; $lang['wihladmrs5'] = "Reset Job(s) successfully created."; $lang['wihladmrs6'] = "There is still a reset job active. Please wait until all jobs are finished before you start the next!"; $lang['wihladmrs7'] = "Press %s Refresh %s to monitor the status."; $lang['wihladmrs8'] = "Do NOT stop or restart the Bot during the reset is in progress!"; $lang['wihladmrs9'] = "Please %s confirm %s the jobs. This will reset the job status of all jobs. It is needed to be able to start a new reset."; $lang['wihlset'] = "settings"; $lang['wiignidle'] = "Ignore idle"; $lang['wiignidledesc'] = "Define a period, up to which the idle time of a user will be ignored.

If a client does nothing on the server (=idle), this time can be determined by the Ranksystem. With this function the idle time of a user up to the defined limit is not evaluated as idle time, rather it counts as active time. Only when the defined limit is exceeded, it counts from that point on for the Ranksystem as idle time.

This function does matter only in conjunction with the mode 'active time'.

Meaning the function is e.g. to evaluate the time of listening in conversations as an activity.

0 Sec. = disables this function

Ignore idle = 600 (seconds)
A client has an idle of 8 minuntes.
└ 8 minutes idle will be ignored and the user therefore receives this time as active time. If the idle time now increased to 12 minutes, the time is over 10 minutes and in this case 2 minutes would be counted as idle time, the first 10 minutes still as active time."; $lang['wilog'] = "Logpath"; $lang['wilogdesc'] = "Path of the log file of the Ranksystem.


Be sure, the Webuser (= user of the web space) has the write-out permissions to the log file."; $lang['wilogout'] = "Logout"; $lang['wimsgmsg'] = "Messages"; $lang['wimsgmsgdesc'] = "Define a message, which will be sent to a user, when he raises the next higher rank.

This message will be sent via TS3 private message. Every known bb-code could be used, which is also working for a normal private message.

Furthermore, the previously spent time can be expressed by arguments:
%1\$s - days
%2\$s - hours
%3\$s - minutes
%4\$s - seconds
%5\$s - name of reached servergroup
%6$s - name of the user (recipient)

Hey,\\nyou reached a higher rank, since you already connected for %1\$s days, %2\$s hours and %3\$s minutes to our TS3 server.[B]Keep it up![/B] ;-)
"; $lang['wimsgsn'] = "Server-News"; $lang['wimsgsndesc'] = "Define a message, which will be shown on the /stats/ page as server news.

You can use default html functions to change the layout

<b> - for bold
<u> - for underline
<i> - for italic
<br> - for word-wrap (new line)"; $lang['wimsgusr'] = "Rank up notification"; $lang['wimsgusrdesc'] = "Inform a user with a private text message about his ranking up."; $lang['winav1'] = "TeamSpeak"; $lang['winav10'] = "Please use the webinterface only via %s HTTPS%s An encryption is critical to make sure your privacy and security.%sTo be able to use HTTPS your webserver needs to support an SSL connection."; $lang['winav11'] = "Please define a Bot-Admin, which should be the administrator of the Ranksystem (TeamSpeak -> Bot-Admin). This is very important in case you lost your login credentials for the webinterface."; $lang['winav12'] = "Add-ons"; $lang['winav2'] = "Database"; $lang['winav3'] = "Core"; $lang['winav4'] = "Other"; $lang['winav5'] = "Messages"; $lang['winav6'] = "Stats page"; $lang['winav7'] = "Administrate"; $lang['winav8'] = "Start / Stop bot"; $lang['winav9'] = "Update available!"; $lang['winxinfo'] = "Command \"!nextup\""; $lang['winxinfodesc'] = "Allows the user on the TS3 server to write the command \"!nextup\" to the Ranksystem (query) bot as private text message.

As answer the user will receive a defined text message with the needed time for the next higher rank.

disabled - The function is deactivated. The command '!nextup' will be ignored.
allowed - only next rank - Gives back the needed time for the next group.
allowed - all next ranks - Gives back the needed time for all higher ranks."; $lang['winxmode1'] = "disabled"; $lang['winxmode2'] = "allowed - only next rank"; $lang['winxmode3'] = "allowed - all next ranks"; $lang['winxmsg1'] = "Message"; $lang['winxmsg2'] = "Message (highest)"; $lang['winxmsg3'] = "Message (excepted)"; $lang['winxmsgdesc1'] = "Define a message, which the user will receive as answer at the command \"!nextup\".

%1$s - days to next rankup
%2$s - hours to next rankup
%3$s - minutes to next rankup
%4$s - seconds to next rankup
%5$s - name of the next servergroup
%6$s - name of the user (recipient)
%7$s - current user rank
%8$s - name of the current servergroup
%9$s - current servergroup since

Your next rank up will be in %1$s days, %2$s hours and %3$s minutes and %4$s seconds. The next servergroup you will reach is [B]%5$s[/B].
"; $lang['winxmsgdesc2'] = "Define a message, which the user will receive as answer at the command \"!nextup\", when the user already reached the highest rank.

%1$s - days to next rankup
%2$s - hours to next rankup
%3$s - minutes to next rankup
%4$s - seconds to next rankup
%5$s - name of the next servergroup
%6$s - name of the user (recipient)
%7$s - current user rank
%8$s - name of the current servergroup
%9$s - current servergroup since

You have been reached the highest rank for %1$s days, %2$s hours and %3$s minutes and %4$s seconds.
"; $lang['winxmsgdesc3'] = "Define a message, which the user will receive as answer at the command \"!nextup\", when the user is excepted from the Ranksystem.

%1$s - days to next rankup
%2$s - hours to next rankup
%3$s - minutes to next rankup
%4$s - seconds to next rankup
%5$s - name of the next servergroup
%6$s - name of the user (recipient)
%7$s - current user rank
%8$s - name of the current servergroup
%9$s - current servergroup since

You are excepted from the Ranksystem. If you wish to rank contact an admin on the TS3 server.
"; $lang['wirtpw1'] = "Sorry Bro, you have forgotten to define a Bot-Admin inside the webinterface before. The only way to reset is by updating your database! A description how to do can be found here:
%s"; $lang['wirtpw10'] = "You need to be online at the TeamSpeak3 server."; $lang['wirtpw11'] = "You need to be online with the unique Client-ID, which is saved as Bot-Admin."; $lang['wirtpw12'] = "You need to be online with the same IP address on the TeamSpeak3 server as here on this page (also the same protocol IPv4 / IPv6)."; $lang['wirtpw2'] = "Bot-Admin not found on TS3 server. You need to be online with the unique Client-ID, which is saved as Bot-Admin."; $lang['wirtpw3'] = "Your IP address does not match with the IP address of the admin on the TS3 server. Be sure you are online with the same IP address on the TS3 server and also on this page (same protocol IPv4 / IPv6 is also needed)."; $lang['wirtpw4'] = "\nThe password for the webinterface was successfully reset.\nUsername: %s\nPassword: [B]%s[/B]\n\nLogin %shere%s"; $lang['wirtpw5'] = "There was sent a TeamSpeak3 private text message to the admin with a new password. Click %s here %s to login."; $lang['wirtpw6'] = "The password of the webinterface has been successfully reset. Request from IP %s."; $lang['wirtpw7'] = "Reset Password"; $lang['wirtpw8'] = "Here you can reset the password for the webinterface."; $lang['wirtpw9'] = "Following things are required to reset the password:"; $lang['wiselcld'] = "select clients"; $lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Select the clients by their last known username, unique Client-ID or Client-database-ID.
Multiple selections are also possible."; $lang['wishcolas'] = "current servergroup"; $lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Show column 'current servergroup' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolat'] = "active time"; $lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. active time' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolcld'] = "Client-name"; $lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-name' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcoldbid'] = "database-ID"; $lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-database-ID' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolgs'] = "current group since"; $lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Show column 'current group since' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses"; $lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing"; $lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing"; $lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)"; $lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.

With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.

fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.

secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.

disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.

In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).

The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage."; $lang['wishcolit'] = "idle time"; $lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Show column 'sum idle time' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolls'] = "last seen"; $lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Show column 'last seen' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolnx'] = "next rank up"; $lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Show column 'next rank up' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolot'] = "online time"; $lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. online time' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolrg'] = "rank"; $lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Show column 'rank' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcolsg'] = "next servergroup"; $lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Show column 'next servergroup' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Client-ID"; $lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Show column 'unique Client-ID' in list_rankup.php"; $lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort"; $lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page."; $lang['wishexcld'] = "excepted client"; $lang['wishexclddesc'] = "Show clients in list_rankup.php,
which are excluded and therefore not participate in the Ranksystem."; $lang['wishexgrp'] = "excepted groups"; $lang['wishexgrpdesc'] = "Show clients in list_rankup.php, which are in the list 'client exception' and shouldn't be consider for the Ranksystem."; $lang['wishhicld'] = "Clients in highest Level"; $lang['wishhiclddesc'] = "Show clients in list_rankup.php, which reached the highest level in the Ranksystem."; $lang['wishmax'] = "show max. Clients"; $lang['wishmaxdesc'] = "Show the max. Clients as line inside the server usage graph on 'stats/' page."; $lang['wishnav'] = "show site-navigation"; $lang['wishnavdesc'] = "Show the site navigation on 'stats/' page.

If this option is deactivated on the stats page the site navigation will be hidden.
You can then take each site e.g. 'stats/list_rankup.php' and embed this as frame in your existing website or bulletin board."; $lang['wishsort'] = "default sorting order"; $lang['wishsortdesc'] = "Define the default sorting order for the List Rankup page."; $lang['wistcodesc'] = "Specify a required count of server-connects to meet the achievement."; $lang['wisttidesc'] = "Specify a required time (in hours) to meet the achievement."; $lang['wisupidle'] = "time mode"; $lang['wisupidledesc'] = "There are two modes, how the time of a user will be rated.

1) online time: Servergroups will be given by online time. In this case the active and the inactive time will be rated.
(see column 'sum. online time' in the 'stats/list_rankup.php')

2) active time: Servergroups will be given by active time. In this case the inactive time will not be rated. The online time will be taken and reduced by the inactive time (=idle) to build the active time.
(see column 'sum. active time' in the 'stats/list_rankup.php')

A change of the 'time mode', also on longer running Ranksystem instances, should be no problem since the Ranksystem repairs wrong servergroups on a client."; $lang['wisvconf'] = "save"; $lang['wisvinfo1'] = "Attention!! By changing the mode of hashing the users IP address, it is necessary that the user connects new to the TS3 server or the user can't get synchronized with the stats page."; $lang['wisvres'] = "You need to restart the Ranksystem before the changes will take effect! %s"; $lang['wisvsuc'] = "Changes successfully saved!"; $lang['witime'] = "Timezone"; $lang['witimedesc'] = "Select the timezone the server is hosted.

The timezone affects the timestamp inside the log (ranksystem.log)."; $lang['wits3avat'] = "Avatar Delay"; $lang['wits3avatdesc'] = "Define a time in seconds to delay the download of changed TS3 avatars.

This function is especially useful for (music) bots, which are changing his avatar periodic."; $lang['wits3dch'] = "Default Channel"; $lang['wits3dchdesc'] = "The channel-ID, the bot should connect with.

The bot will join this channel after connecting to the TeamSpeak server."; $lang['wits3encrypt'] = "TS3 Query encryption"; $lang['wits3encryptdesc'] = "Activate this option to encrypt the communication between the Ranksystem and the TeamSpeak 3 server (SSH).
When this function is disabled, the communication will be done in plain text (RAW). This could be a security risk, especially when the TS3 server and the Ranksystem are running on different machines.

Be also sure, you have checked the TS3 Query Port, which needs (perhaps) to be changed in the Ranksystem!

Attention: The SSH encryption needs more CPU time and with this truly more system resources. That's why we recommend to use a RAW connection (disabled encryption) if the TS3 server and the Ranksystem are running on the same host / server (localhost / If they are running on separate hosts, you should activate the encrypted connection!


1) TS3 Server version 3.3.0 or above.

2) The PHP extension PHP-SSH2 is necessary.
On Linux you can it install with the following command:
3) The encryption needs to be enabled on your TS3 server!
Activate the following parameters inside your 'ts3server.ini' and customize it for your needs:
%s After changing your TS3 server configurations a restart of your TS3 server is necessary."; $lang['wits3host'] = "TS3 Hostaddress"; $lang['wits3hostdesc'] = "TeamSpeak 3 Server address
(IP oder DNS)"; $lang['wits3qnm'] = "Bot name"; $lang['wits3qnmdesc'] = "The name, with this the query-connection will be established.
You can name it free."; $lang['wits3querpw'] = "TS3 Query-Password"; $lang['wits3querpwdesc'] = "TeamSpeak 3 query password
Password for the query user."; $lang['wits3querusr'] = "TS3 Query-User"; $lang['wits3querusrdesc'] = "TeamSpeak 3 query username
Default is serveradmin
Recommended is to create an additional serverquery account only for the Ranksystem.
The needed permissions you will find on:
%s"; $lang['wits3query'] = "TS3 Query-Port"; $lang['wits3querydesc'] = "TeamSpeak 3 query port
Default RAW (plain text) is 10011 (TCP)
Default SSH (encrypted) is 10022 (TCP)

If its not default, you should find it in your 'ts3server.ini'."; $lang['wits3sm'] = "Query-Slowmode"; $lang['wits3smdesc'] = "With the Query-Slowmode, you can reduce the spam of query commands to the TeamSpeak server. This prevents bans in case of flooding.
TeamSpeak Query commands get delayed with this function.


The activation is not recommended, if it isn't required. The delay slows the speed of the bot, which makes it inaccurate.

The last column shows the required time for one round (in seconds):


Consequently, the values (times) with the ultra delay become inaccurate by about 65 seconds! Depending on, what to do and/or server size even higher!"; $lang['wits3voice'] = "TS3 Voice-Port"; $lang['wits3voicedesc'] = "TeamSpeak 3 voice port
Default is 9987 (UDP)
This is the port, you use also to connect with the TS3 Client."; $lang['witsz'] = "Log-Size"; $lang['witszdesc'] = "Set up the filesize of the log, at which the logfile will be rotated, when exceeded.

Define your value in Mebibyte.

When you increase the value, be sure, you have enough space on this partition. Too big logfiles could bring perfomance issues!

On changing this value, the logfile size will be checked with the next restart of the bot. Is the filesize bigger than the defined value, the logfile will be rotated immediately."; $lang['wiupch'] = "Update-Channel"; $lang['wiupch0'] = "stable"; $lang['wiupch1'] = "beta"; $lang['wiupchdesc'] = "The Ranksystem will be updated automatically if a new update is available. Choose here, which update-channel you want to join.

stable (default): You get the latest stable version. Recommended for production environments.

beta: You get the latest beta version. With this you get new features earlier, but the risk of bugs is much higher. Use at your own risk!

When you are changing from beta to stable release, the Ranksystem won't downgrade. It will rather wait for the next higher release of a stable version and update to this."; $lang['wiverify'] = "Verification-Channel"; $lang['wiverifydesc'] = "Enter here the channel-ID of the verification channel.

This channel needs to be set up manually on your TeamSpeak server. Name, permissions and other properties could be defined of your choice; only the user should be possible to join this channel!

The verification is done by the respective user himself on the statistics-page (/stats/). This is only necessary if the website visitor can't automatically be matched/related to the TeamSpeak user.

To verify the TeamSpeak user, he has to be in the verification channel. There he is able to receive a token with which he can verify himself for the statistics page."; $lang['wivlang'] = "Language"; $lang['wivlangdesc'] = "Choose a default language for the Ranksystem.

The language is also selectable on the websites for the users and will be stored for the session."; ?>