TeamSpeak Server Update 3.0.7
Geschrieben von Newcomer1989 am 05.03.13 um 8:04 Uhr • Artikel lesen
Since yesterday is a new Version of TeamSpeak released. We updated accordingly our server today at 05:00 o'clock.
There was also an update for the Client Version. The new one is 3.0.10. You need to update you TeamSpeak Client, that you are able to connect to our servers!
With this new Release comes a new Audio Codec -> Opus. There are to different formings. The Opus Voice codec is, how the name says, for the regular Voice communication and the Opus Music codec for playing/streaming music.
You can read here more about the Opus Codec. In summary you got a better quality and a lower latency with the same traffic. Its now possible to use this on our servers. Try it out and change the codec in your channel.
If any bugs/ problems should occur so please give brief return information about the contact form (see contact below!).don't take notice.
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