TeamSpeak Sponsoring Newcomer1989 deen


If you would like to help us to continue to provide our services for free, then leave us a donation. In the following you find a donation link to paypal. For sure you can also donate on any other way; for this please contact us. We would like to thank you in advance!


Please donate to the following Bitcoin address:

Donation of [[value]] BTC Received.
Thank You!


this month reached
(last month: 30 %)

What we are

We are a TeamSpeak 3 Sponsoring. We offer for free ...
... TS3 Server Hosting
... TS3 Channel Hosting
... TeamSpeak 3 Third-Party Web-Applications (e.g. TSN Ranksystem)
... Support for any questions about TeamSpeak

For what we use the donation

To offfer our services we need to pay for ...
... a dedicated server
... the TeamSpeak License (AAL)
... the domains